The Modern Day

The journey of recognizing mental health was a very fast and drastic one. Throughout sports in the early 19th and 20th century, men and women were taught to hide their feelings and "toughen up", in what people would believe helped these people get stronger. However, as time progressed into the late 20th and early 21st century, many professional athletes began to open up about their mental health, such as Serena Williams and Bruce Lee. This has caused new generations to follow in these athletes footsteps, openly talking about their mental health, regardless of if they even play a sport or not. However, many in past generations still believe it is best to not talk openly about their mental health, as they believe it shows weakness.


So now, in the modern day dilemma, there have been arguments over the controversial topic of mental health, with older generations criticizing the newer generation of athletes. What do you think about the modern controversy of mental health in athletes? Should we be so open about it, or should we keep it hidden and deal with it ourselves?